Thursday 1 October 2009

"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"

Have decided that I should expand my blog to include more than just beauty related posts. Seeing as I am currently the only reader...*sniff*...I don't think anyone will mind...

The title of this post may give away it's content. Patrick Swazye passed away on the 14th of September 2009 after being diagnosed with and treated for pancreatic cancer in January of 2008. Patrick was known best for his roles in Dirty Dancing and Ghost, two movies which I have loved from an early age.
Dirty Dancing is something of a legacy in my family; passed down through generations and loved by all ages. I grew up watching this movie, from the days when I was too young and had to look away during "the bad bits," to when I could finally watch the full movie, in all of it's glory and actually follow the storyline. My family would gather to watch this movie every time it was on TV and one day I finally bought my own copy on DVD and watched it over and over again, skipping to the ultimate final dance scene on numerous occasions. I even managed to convince my bf to sit through all of it...

I pretty much know every cheesetastic line of the movie, I have the soundtrack, I know the dance routine (me and my sister used to practice it together when she was 19 and I was 6! lol) and yes I am pretty sure that when (or if!) I drag that lucky someone down the isle, the now famous tune "I've Had The Time Of My Life" will be played and crooned to.

Dirty Dancing was a surprise hit when it was first released in 1987, with the tagline:

First Dance
First Love
The Time Of Your Life
And it has captured the hearts of audiences ever since. I wasn't even born until 1990 and I adore this movie! While this post celebrates the timeless-ness (is that a word?!) of Dirty Dancing, it also mourns the passing of a genuine, gifted and beautiful actor. I think every girl still searches for her own Johnny Castle... If you haven't seen this movie yet you have lived a sheltered existence!!
And to Patrick, in the words of his character Sam Wheat (Ghost), "It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you..."

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